Gymnastics Set Up Week 4

Follow the sketch map to set up the equipment in the hall.

The balance beam will need to be lifted down from the island in the PE shed.

Some activities are the same - because everyone loves using the trampoline onto the big crash mat!

Senior Gymnastics – Term 3 – 2014

Week 2
Thursday Only
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
11 – 11.30 + set up
Room 2 and Room 1
Room 2 and Room 1
Room 2 and Room 19
Room 2 and Room 20
11.30 – 12 pm
Room 3
Room 3
Room 1
Room 19
12 pm – 12.30 + pack away
Room 19 and Room 20
Room 19 and Room 20
Room 3 and Room 20
Room 1 and Room 3

Think about
Dominant Movement Patterns:
Spring, Landing, Locomotion, Static, Rotation, Swing, Balance
Rather than focus on one specific movement each day a variety of activities should be provided to allow for teachers to assess the capability of the children and thus adapt, increase or decrease, the challenge for the children.

As our gymnastics sessions progress there could be an opportunity to involve the children in the planning of activities.

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