Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower
Step 1. note taking
In your journal draw and note down the keywords and facts about the Eiffel tower.

what, where, when, why, who, how
Built in 1889
as the entrance arch for the 
World's Fair in 1889
Location Paris, France
Stands 320 metres high

Made of 18,038 pieces of iron
weighs around 10000 tonnes
and joined by two-and-a-half million rivets

visited by
250 million visitors since its opening

The tower was built despite protests from 300 leading French writers and artists
who saw it as a “hateful column of bolted sheet metal”. 

When it was opened the lifts in the tower were not yet operating, so they went up the stairs on foot. 
It took more than an hour to reach the top!

Visit the Eiffel Tower
Step 2. Brainstorm words to describe - teacher
position location
like a...

Step 3.
Use your notes and brainstorm words

Use facts combined with descriptive words to create a set of 10 expressive sentences about the Eiffel Tower

Step 4.
Editing Sentences - simple - compound - complex

Make the model
Paper Toys

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