Handwriting - Monday 3rd February 2014

  • Rule up your page
  • Full date underlined + topic title
  • Write on the line
  • Spaces between words
  • Use the whole line
  • Letters half size


Determination is when you try your very best and keep on trying.

Determination is when you think that you can’t do something but you tell yourself that you can and you keep on going until the very end.

It's like when you’re so closed to the end of a race and you're about to win a race but someone’s gaining ground on you and you're absolutely exhausted but you keep on going to win the race.      

This explains that you can do anything if you have determination and be the best that you can if you just put your mind to it.

“Determination is perspiration”

Time Taken...
106 words 5 minutes - 10 minutes

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