Wednesday Work Day!

You really need to get busy.
It is just two weeks to go until our market day.

You have two main tasks to COMPLETE TODAY with your business team


Complete – finish your draft report on your selected charity.
If you are doing the SPCA all the information you really need is on this document link.
Dropbox share  SPCA
Google Drive Share  SPCA

Draft your report then type it up.
Save your document into the Room 2 Dropbox/ Draftwriting/ Charity Reports
I'll see these being saved as you get them finished!


Say what this organisation is and give a short introduction to tell what they are mainly concerned with doing.  (50 words)

Main Paragraphs
Write a few sentences including some details about the main work this organisation does.

Three paragraphs each with about 50 words.


Charity Advert
With your group:

Create and finish two or three A3 posters to advertise your selected charity.
(we will need to use these posters by your market day stall and around the school to build awareness about your charity)

Your posters must include:

  • The Charity Name – Neat large clear lettering
  • The Charity logo or symbol – Best work
  • Appropriate use of colour
  • A simple strong message that is easy to read and stands out well
  • This message should clearly link to the job your charity does.

Add two or three strong images / pictures that add to the story of your charity.

3 Minute Class Presentation
Tomorrow afternoon you will need to present your report and your charity posters to the class.

You will be marked on the criteria above and awarded payment up to $100 per group + any bonus that may be awarded for extra effort.

Here are some examples of some clear messages that can go with your advert.
What's the message?
Look at the use of colour.
Look at the way the message has large and small letters  in it.

What's the message?

What's the message?

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