Support a Charity

Complete a short blog posting that clearly shows the charity that you would like to support and give reasons why other people should support your chosen charity.

Title and Logo

What is this organisation?
Opening statement

Greenpeace is an organisation that is mostly concerned with giving a voice to our natural world and trying to inform people about environmental issues.  They need your money to help them take action.  Many of the people that work for them are volunteers.

What do they do?

Greenpeace take action to get things noticed by the media and put on the TV News.

Some people think that their actions are a bit extreme and do not agree with them.  Other people think that the things they do are worth doing because it gets hidden environmental problems noticed and talked about.

What about some examples?

Greenpeace have some small boats that chase after ships that still catch whales in the Southern Ocean.  As a result of their action whaling countries are being forced to stop killing whales.

Add a picture

Why are whales so important?

I could give some reasons here...

Is there anything more you want to say?

Another issue that Greenpeace bring to the attention of the media is global warming.  Greenpeace support solar power, wind power and biofuel.   They think we should not be drilling in more remote places for oil because this could cause a lot of damage to the environment and the creature that live in these places.

Closing satatement...

By donating to Greenpeace you are supporting a voice for the Earth and all its creatures.  Greenpace is about making wise choices to save our natural world for us all to enjoy in the future.

You could add a video to add to your message.

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