One Day TO GO

Today is your very, very last chance to get your products
finished, packaged and priced

Here is a checklist of things to get done:

Complete your products

Complete your product signs for your stall - clear simple message - product name, price, identify your charity

Finish your product display or stand to help you show off your products

If you are working on a video advert or video of your product in action you must have completed the items listed above first.

Make a comic strip plan of your advert in your journal FIRST.

Blog Posts - lots of your pictures have been added to the web album and are ready for you to start using them in your market day blog posts.  GO TO the web album some photos have also been added to your own photo albums. Take a look.

Caption Competition: What is Amber thinking?

Sina and Aaron:
Organise your materials to try and bake some more biscuits on Thursday morning.
The burnt tray is in the science room waiting to be cleaned!
Plan your advert in your journal then go for it.

Jack, Dylan, Maddox:
Finish your products to a high standard
Finish your display signs with pricing
Make an imove advert by using the movie trailer feature - plan out your ideas in your journal first

Alice Poppy Lily Emma:
Bag and price your slime
Finish your painted masks and add strings to all of them

Melissa Christine Holly Shawn:
Finish all the wands and your instruction books
We can photocopy and stain the books on Thursday morning
Finish the signs you need for your stall

Rebecca and Eleanor
Great work on your video add and getting it on to your blog:-)
Take a look at the photos on the web album and use them to create a series of posts that tell the story of your product making.  Remember to tag them "Not Just for Profit"

Amber and Sophie
Finish your advert plan in your journal - then get to work with a ipad - you might even be able to upload it yourself and get it on to your blog

Aoraki Aaron and Cooper
Freeze more mini ice-blocks
Finish your signs for your stall
Then you can go back to your time-lapse video

Good luck

PS. There will be no maths on Thursday. This will give you a little extra time to finish a few things off.  We will be setting up our stalls from 11am on Thursday.

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