Market Day To Do List

To Do List

Make your products (lots of top quality products)

Bring all your materials and resources to school to make your products. Keep receipts$$$ not more than $20 per group.

Science and Technology Room is booked for Monday 11am - 3pm / Thursday 11am - 1pm
Organise ingredients, tools and containers for what you are going to make.

Create amazing posters to advertise your products
  1. Product name
  2. Price
  3. Picture
  4. A short description of what it is with some persuasive words to make people want to buy your products
  5. Where and when the Market day is to be held
Create a set of adverts for your chosen charity
  1. Charity Logo
  2. A catchy slogan to tell something about what your charity does
  3. Make it stand out - a strong clear image
  4. Add a little snippet about the products you are selling for your chosen charity

Design a way of displaying your products

Make simple packets or paper bags as required if you have food products

Take photos on the ipads to record all the work you put in to your products and advertising

mind mapping software

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