
Good morning everyone.

I'm working at home today sorting out some things for camp and planning for the swimming sports and triathlon in week 5.

Plus I have an appointment with a surgeon to talk about my bad knees:-(
(to get the projector to work un-plug the white dongle from the projector cable on my desk and then carefully fit the cable into the Toshiba laptop) - Put the dongle in my top draw - The projector control is in my top draw.
Detail Sheet - Morning News

We welcome Cooper to our class today - William and Luka can you help him to set up his journal with the pages for camp. (I hope he's got a journal)

Assembly Job
Alice and Luka - can you give the golden shoe to Mr. Withers - also can you remind people about entering the triathlon and swimming sports on the blog. Ask Mr. Withers if you can do this in assembly (be independent)


Remember to sign up for the school triathlon on the sports blog - 49 athletes have signed up so far.
P.S. All  triathlon entries will go into a prize draw for...

Senior Students remember to sign up for the swimming sports - only 30 swimmers at the moment.

Triathlon training today is being organised by Mr. Withers. (Thank you)  Put your bikes out in two lines: middle school and seniors school. Have your lunch then meet at the yellow bench.

Drum lessons in the hall today please

Circle Time - Independence
Add this as a tool to your "learning tool box" page in your journal - but first...

Talk about - Independence
What is it?
How do we show it?
What does it mean to be independent?
Think of three examples of how you are independent at school or at home.

These pictures might help your thinking:

Today is a good chance to be independent and work cooperatively.
What do you need to work on and finish?  
Camp pages in your journal, Postcard writing and typing up, Personal montage plan, Photo Art, 3D Name card?

Looks like this kid was a little too independent!

Do you understand this one?
What's the message?
What's my message to you?

Remember to work smart - help each other
Remember - if you have typed up your postcard and saved it to dropbox then you can help someone else.  Mishy, Christine, Lily, Aaron, Ruby and ...

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