Language Features

With a buddy read through a selection of poems and try and identify (find) examples of any of the language features listed here:

This link will take you to a website that has examples of these language features - Your Dictionary

What is slang?
Very informal language used to identify with a particular sub-culture.

What is emotive language?
Using words that provoke a particular response in the audience.

What is sensory language?
Using words that have a strong appeal to one or more of the senses.

What is a simile?
Comparing two things by using 'as' or 'like'.

What is a metaphor?
Comparing two things as if they were the same.

What is alliteration?
Repeating initial consonant sounds in nearby words.

What is are onomatopoeia?
Words that imitate the sound they represent.

What is rhyme?

Repetition of identical or similar end-sounds in two or more words.
What is a hyperbole
An exaggeration used for effect.

Using your previous planning decide on a holiday experience that you will write about to inform and entertain the class.

This writing can take the form of:
a short retell
a report like a newspaper
a poem
a song
a recipe

All these should include vivid description and some attempts at two or three of the language features listed above. Have fun. Be creative. Experiment with words. Make an ordinary experience stand out like a neon sign  (hey is that a simile?).

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